Technology and Traceability

By employing the use of modern technology, to create efficiency and seamless processes for our employees, farmers and buyers, we have managed to grow in leaps and bounds while keeping each player happy and satisfied.

Through TSA’s tech applications, our small holder farmers have access to customized information about Macadamia as well as direct contact and liaison with our team of agronomists and extension officers.

TSA’s Out grower Management solution (OMS) application enables traceability of each nut to its batch therefore to the farm and farmer. 

How it works
Receive batches labelled by truck, region, farmer, and date for traceabilit


TSA operates a state-of-the art facility in Athi River with an installed annual cracking capacity of 6,000MT and drying capacity of 10,000MT.

TSA modern color sorter has an 85% efficiency in separating shells from kernels.

TSA’s processing facility is highly automated. Casual laborers conduct the last checks before packaging.

TSA operates a moisture lab, microbiome lab, and aflatoxin lab to ensure the highest standards of food safety.